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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Much ado about Nader's announcement to run for President has been made in the blogosphere today, but another, equally earth-shattering admission was made on NBC's Meet the Press was made as well. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his first Sunday talk show appearance as a sitting governor, admits that any foreign-born citizen should be able to run as well, and that he would support a constitutional amendment for that end. "There are so many people in this country that are now from overseas, that are immigrants, that are doing such a terrific job with their work, bringing businesses here, that there's no reason why not," said Schwarzenegger. "Look at the kind of contribution that people like Henry Kissinger have made, Madeleine Albright," he said. When asked about a run for the White House, he said he was too busy with "California's problems," and that "I have no idea, I haven't thought about that at all."
Yeah, Arnold, you're so busy with California's problems that you're suing mayors over gay marriage and showing up on Sunday talk shows to talk about a Constitutional Amendment to help you run for an office you'd be a frontrunner for but are somehow "too busy" to think about. Arnold, stick to one Constitutional Amendment at a time. You should probably concentrate your efforts on props 57&58 too, cause if you don't win those, you'll lost your job because you spent too much time getting your next one.
Yeah, Arnold, you're so busy with California's problems that you're suing mayors over gay marriage and showing up on Sunday talk shows to talk about a Constitutional Amendment to help you run for an office you'd be a frontrunner for but are somehow "too busy" to think about. Arnold, stick to one Constitutional Amendment at a time. You should probably concentrate your efforts on props 57&58 too, cause if you don't win those, you'll lost your job because you spent too much time getting your next one.